What are undescended testes? An undescended testicle is a condition when it fails to drop into its usual place in the scrotum. The child’s doctor can find this condition during a routine exam. This medical condition is found in 3 or 5 out of 100 newborn boys and 21 out of 100 premature babies. But fortunately, half […]
Author Archives: drmohsin_admin
Paediatric Duplication cyst treat with Laparoscopic procedure GI tract duplication cysts are congenital gastrointestinal malformations. It means that duplication cysts are abnormally formed in the baby during 5-8 weeks of pregnancy. Generally, duplication cysts are rare but usually present within the first two years of life. They can be anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract. Hence, they […]
Surgical Procedure for Treatment of Undescended Testes in Pakistan The testes are a pair of glands present in a man’s genitalia that secrete sperm and male hormones. The specific location for both Testis is the scrotum. If you have one or both Testis that haven’t descended into the scrotum, you have undescended testes. However, with […]